Sorry you can’t come
Sorry you can’t make it. Do keep in touch and keep an eye out for future events. We’d love to see you again soon. Satjit Singh CEO SPCE
Sorry you can’t make it. Do keep in touch and keep an eye out for future events. We’d love to see you again soon. Satjit Singh CEO SPCE
We look forward to seeing you on 4th March at 5pm Satjit Singh CEO SPCE
Free online conference from the Society for Promoting Chiropractic Education New date- New line up Wednesday 2nd February 2022 2pm-5pm (GMT) Opening address by George Freeman, MP, Under Secretary of State, Minister for Science Research and Innovation This important conference will highlight the latest innovations in chiropractic education and show how regulatory reform can improve […]
In our inaugural conference “Chiropractic Education Reimagined” on 14th April 2021, our three speakers outlined the challenges we face and offer some solutions. It is clear that we have a lot of work to do, not only to ensure that our services can be provided more widely but even to maintain relevance in a rapidly […]
The University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) has decided that they will not be proceeding with the chiropractic course at this time, citing the ongoing pandemic situation and associated financial restraints as the reasons. We are naturally disappointed, but not surprised, as the effects of the pandemic have been deep in the university sector. However, we hope […]
At the SPCE Annual Lectures recently, Sir Terence English KBE shared his insights into chiropractic, our education and the way forward. Past-President of The Royal College of Surgeons and of the British Medical Association he is currently Patron of the Primary Trauma Care Foundation delivering courses in trauma care to developing countries such as Pakistan […]
At the SPCE Annual Lectures recently, Sir Terence English KBE shared his insights into chiropractic, our education and the way forward. Past-President of The Royal College of Surgeons and of the British Medical Association he is currently Patron of the Primary Trauma Care Foundation delivering courses in trauma care to developing countries such as Pakistan […]
Order of the day 5pm-8pm Registration and drinks Introduction and review of year Satjit Singh Tryst with destiny – the need for expansion of chiropractic education Peter Dixon Introduce Ken Vall Matthew Bennett Innovation – pushing back the frontiers of chiropractic training Ken Vall Introduce Mustafa Agaoglu Matthew Bennett Challenges in establishing a chiropractic […]
Teesside University and the Society for Promoting Chiropractic Education (SPCE) are delighted to announce the start of a new chiropractic course. Subject to regulatory clearances, the course will begin in Autumn 2020. This is a major development as it is the first chiropractic course in the North East of the country and will continue to […]
A new and innovative chiropractic programme is to open in the far east, an area with very few training courses. Binawan University is to run a BSc in chiropractic followed by a Masters programme. The Masters is to be run by Macquarie University in Australia so students will have a year abroad to complete their […]