The Course

The undergraduate chiropractic programmes are an integrated Masters course, commonly known as a Master of Chiropractic degree MChiro (Hons). Integrated Masters courses can be funded through a student loan in the same way as other undergraduate degrees, so they are a great way to fund a Masters qualification.

The integrated Masters degree is a full-time course over 4 or 5 years depending on your A level grades or other qualifications. Entry for the 4 year course requires A-level grades of ABB and for the 5 year course BCC.

The courses cover basic sciences such as

  • anatomy
  • physiology
  • biochemistry
  • biomechanics
  • pathology

The course covers clinical sciences such as orthopaedics, neurology, radiology and diagnosis. The course also covers a variety of manipulative therapies and other evidence based interventions. The course is evidence based and similar to the training of medical doctors and other regulated health professionals. It involves you in practical examination skills from the first year and builds on these skills gradually teaching manual therapies until, in final year, you will be treating real patients under supervision.


92% of graduates are satisfied with their job







“I love my work and getting up every morning I feel I have a purpose. To me there is nothing more rewarding than seeing someone improve and knowing I did that.” – Collette (recent graduate)


The Education Providers

Currently there are five education institutions offering chiropractic undergraduate degree programmes in the UK. These programmes are approved by the GCC:

  • AECC University College (AECC)
  • Welsh Institute of Chiropractic (WIOC), University of South Wales
  • McTimoney College of Chiropractic (MCC)
  • London South Bank University (LSBU) (GCC approval pending)
  • Teesside University

All institutions, but especially AECC have a significant number of students who are from overseas. Estimates suggest that approximately half the students return to their native country upon graduation. This is partly contributing to the lack of growth within the UK profession.

AECC University College

AECC University College offers a Masters in Chiropractic (MChiro) and is located in Bournemouth. It was founded in 1965 and was the first chiropractic programme in Europe.

AECC offers a 4/ 5-year (Mchiro) chiropractic and award its own degrees.

AECC’s annual intake is approximately 110-120 students.

The AECC also offers a range of continuing professional development courses including short courses and MSc programmes. The courses are offered to many different healthcare professionals including chiropractors, nurses, medical practitioners, osteopaths, physiotherapists, radiographers and exercise scientists.

Principal: Haymo Thiel (email: )

AECC Website


Welsh Institute of Chiropractic

Also referred to as WIOC, it is a higher education institution within the University of South Wales offering a Masters in Chiropractic (MChiro) degree. WIOC is located in Pontypridd and was founded in 1997.

WIOC  switched  to  MChiro 4/5 yr  for its 2016 intake. The annual intake is approximately 85-90 students.

WIOC has an extensive role in providing specialist imaging services such as MRI, ultrasound and DXA scanning for the local community as well as chiropractic services. WIOC also offers a range of continuing professional development courses for chiropractors.

Principal: Rhys Breckon (Email: )

WIOC Website


McTimoney College of Chiropractic

McTimony LogoThe McTimoney College of Chiropractic is located in Abingdon in Oxford. Initially the school catered for the mature student with ‘life experience’ and some understanding of the problems that their patients might bring to them. The demand for training in the McTimoney method of chiropractic continues to increase and from October 2012, the Integrated Masters in Chiropractic (MChiro) programme is validated by BPP University as an Integrated Masters in Chiropractic degree.

The College also offers postgraduate animal and paediatric programmes which are also validated by BPP University.

The College has recently opened another campus in Manchester.

Number graduating: approximately 40 per annum.

Annual intake: approximately 50

Principal: Christina Cunliffe (Email: )

McTimoney Website


London South Bank University

LSBU LogoLondon South Bank University in the heart of the capital is recognised for providing a personalised, high calibre education which equips graduates for employment and prepares them to make a positive contribution to society. LSBU provides dynamic evidence-based education which is underpinned by highly applied research and enterprise activity. This course provides a four year route to achieve a Masters in Chiropractic (MChiro) and provides the range and depth of skills necessary to practice competently as a chiropractor on graduation.

LSBU is part of one of the largest Institutes of Health and Social Care in the country which has well-established links with world-leading clinical partners, and a strong reputation in applied research and innovation. This will also provide excellent opportunities to study alongside and become familiar with the wider health and social care community.

LSBU Website


Teesside University

Teesside University logoThis is the first chiropractic course in the North East of the country and will continue to enhance and increase the opportunities for the profession, not just locally but also nationally.

Teesside University has world-class training and research facilities for musculoskeletal (MSK) healthcare, especially in physiotherapy and sports science. These outstanding facilities are nationally and internationally renowned. The course is an integral part of the School of Health & Social Care offer and benefits greatly from inter-professional learning.

Teesside Website